![Whitney Shayo](https://whitneyshayo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Whitney-Shayo.png)
Why I support homeschooling:
My kids are my world. I am their mom, I love spending time with them, and I can give them the best of everything they need.
The love, attention, guidance, dedication, affection, and yes, even education that I have to offer them, cannot be matched by anyone. Spending time with my precious children matters to me so much that I am willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. As a mom, I have every right to ensure my children are well cared for, well taught, and to also enjoy watching them grow as the years go by.
The basis of my beliefs regarding education is that learning can happen anywhere at anytime. A child’s learning opportunities shouldn’t be limited or restricted, only to occur at a desk, with a pencil and paper, surrounded by 20 to 30 other desks, ornately lined in rows and columns. I also believe in encouraging children to challenge themselves, to be creative, to embrace their individuality, seek and acquire information, and above all achieve mastery in a variety of relevant and useful subjects, not simply to get a good grade, or to pass an exam, but for the sheer love of knowledge itself.
This is my personal blog, and it’s also the journey through this amazing experience called homeschool, and we hope to inspire other parents who want to homeschool.